Monday, January 11, 2010

The tree is still up!

But I finished a project. Magnetic paper dolls for Zoe. These are vintage images from my friends' collection that I scanned and put on magnetic paper. I purchase galvenized steel boards from a discount store and framed them with fabric using a glue gun. (to protect from the sharp corners) And Voila!!! Well almost. Just some embellishing left to do.

Also, getting a little obsessed with little dollies for Zoe. Old vintage ones. They are fun to find. Just a small collection right now. You should see how many my friend about obsession.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Yay projects!

I am finally finishing a project. Here is a sneak peak.

And why is it that I can't find a working flashlight in the house, but I can find this many scissors within seconds
The sad part is they all pretty much stink except one of them.

After I took this picture, I found 2 more. What the heck?


Zoe was attacked by Curious George last night while sleeping. It's always fun to go in and see what interesting way she is sleeping.

We took the railing off her crib now that she's a big girl. Sometimes we find her 1/2 in her bed.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My day

was full of spiders, posies, stars, monkeys and abc's. All in song of course.
And some sewing, and um... cleaning. Yeah, cleaning

Zoe with my camera: "I cheese you mommy?"

What else do you do when you're snowed in?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Whoever Invented Snow...

Owes me an apology.
Three words: Shoveling, Shoveling, Shoveling.

It's a good thing she likes it so much


1. watch more t.v.

2. eat brownies for breakfast (that was our reward for shoveling this morning)

3. paint more

4. play in the rain

5. Potty train!!!! (notice the diaper is still on)

As you can see, we have our resolution priorities straight. How are yours coming along?